- By david hammond
as i start to branch out and diversify my skill set, i begin to realize that in order to succeed and do what i want to do i need to think in the long term. the short term plan for an illustrator or concept artist is to work from painting to painting, paycheck to paycheck. i enjoy that aspect of being a professional, and i'm sure i'll always have the desire to stretch my influence outward towards other people's properties. but in the long term this still means that once the job is done it's time to look for more work. so during my downtime i've been devoting myself to my own ideas that will ( ideally ) develop into larger scale projects that take on a life of their own and stand on their own merits.
i've never really taken a stab at sequential art. for some reason it always scared the bejeezus out of me. maybe because i thought it would be really hard and i would fail. or maybe because i always think of people dressed up in spandex whenever the idea of making a graphic novel comes to mind. well last year i decided to face my fears and started developing my own book. i'm going to be leaking details here as i work, and hopefully by sometime next year i'll have a satisfactory product that i'll be willing to offer up to the public. this first peak has already been partially posted on the ers blog, but since then i've done some more detailed renderings and concept pages. stay tuned for more!
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